The house is 3 miles from Gramat in the Lot. Travel by car from the Normandy port of Caen takes around 7 hours plus stops.
Easyjet and Ryanair both serve the region. Nearest airports are:
Brive (45 minutes drive)
Limoges (2 hour drive)
Bergerac (2 hour drive)
Toulouse (2 hour drive)
It is advisable to book car hire when booking flights.
Gramat is the nearest train station, and connects with Brive-la-Gaillarde from where a direct train to Paris can be boarded. Gramat is a short taxi ride from L'Ancienne Auberge.
Souillac is on the main line between Tououse-Matabieau and Paris, so is a good alternative although quite a bit further (around 40 minutes drive)
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